The world was almost destroyed, all because of a mistake me and my friends did, even though we saved the world we feel guilty as my whole town and city next to it was destroyed. You must be wondering what is going on. Who I am? Well I am Leora. lived in a small town in America called Lessard Falls. We were just regular 12 year old classmates until me and my two best friends Mary and Leonard made the worst mistake of our lives. Now here is the epic story of how we almost ended the world as we know it.
Three Children stood in front of a huge, dark, abandoned woods.
' Don't be a chicken' Mary exclaimed in her loud, squeaky voice.
' I am not being a chicken. I am just concerned as that woods has never been explored for 374 years, there must be a reason for that, do you really want to go in not knowing what's there?' Leonard whimpered in a soft voice.
' There's nothing in these woods, Mr Encyclopedia' Mary teased.
' Stop you two! You both have been bickering since school got over' I yelled.
' Alright, lets go into the woods' Leonard said in a low voice
' First to find a weird sight wins!' Mary exclaimed and ran straight into the dark woods.
' It is not advisable to split up in such a huge forest' Leonard whimpered.
' Shut up and search you fool' I said as I ran into the woods.
The woods was huge and unnaturally dark.
After a few minutes of searching I heard Mary's voice call out ' I found something'
I ran towards her voice. I finally reached to see Mary and Leonard staring at a small rundown hut.
' Shall we explore it?' Mary exclaimed.
' No it is to old it can easily break down and plus it probably has lots of dust and way too many bacteria' Leonard exclaimed.
' You are coming with us' I said as I dragged him inside the hut.
There was nothing in the hut except a rusty chest.
' Let's open it' I said as I went towards it. I opened it. The lid was pretty heavy. Inside was a book which read " Mystiko bibilio"
Leonard snatched the book and said ' This is greek, it means... The Book of secrets '
To be continued...
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